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Post-1922 Taxation History

This time period was marked by a strong focus on the advancement of investigative methods. The Taxation on Income (Inquiry) Commission was established in 1947 and was later deemed to be outside the bounds of its authority by the Supreme Court in 1956, although by that time it was already clear that a thorough investigation was required. There was establishment of the Directorate of Inspection (Investigation). A brand-new group of individuals called Inspectors of Income Tax was established this year. The surge in "big income" situations required a review of the departmental officers' performance. Thus, the Income-tax Department's Internal Audit Scheme was established in 1954.

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As previously mentioned, a few Group A officers were hired by the department for the first time in 1946. It was crucial to train them. The newly hired were moved to Bombay and Calcutta where they received training, but not in a systematic way. Nagpur's I.R.S. (Direct Taxes) Staff College began operations in 1957. Currently, a Director-General is in charge of this Board-attached post. The National Academy of Direct Taxes is its official name.

The I.T. department had grown to such a size by 1963 from having to administer numerous other Acts, including W.T., G.T., E.D., etc., that it was deemed essential to place it under a distinct Board. As a result, the 1963 Central Board of Revenue Act was enacted. This Act established the Central Board of Direct Taxes. The content is here on 80g certificate.

Black earnings and high tax rates were both brought about by the country's booming economy. The Voluntary Disclosure Scheme was implemented in 1965, followed by the Disclosure Scheme in 1975. The Settlement Commission was finally established as a result of the requirement for a long-term settlement system.

During this time, there was a significant administrative reform. The recovery of tax arrears, which up until 1970 was the responsibility of State officials, was transferred to departmental personnel.

In 1977, a new cadre called IAC (Assessment) and another cadre called CIT (Appeals) were established in an effort to raise the calibre of the job. Five Chief Commissioners (Administration) seats were added in 1981 as the Commissioners' cadre underwent additional reorganisation.

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